Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blue and Yet White -

I have been away from my hometown for 5 months now. And it's really hard not seeing the love of your life for long, especially during Christmas and New Year. The temperature is dropping and seeing some snows falling. Seeing yourself alone inside the flat the company has rented during the entire period of the contract. I do all the jobs. Just to ease the pain, I tried to clean the entire flat everytime to make myself busy. Watching every movie, chatting in the internet, etc. during my OFF days. Good thing that I have a relative (my auntie Norma, sister of my late mother Aurelia). I visited them last December 24-27. After more than 20 years, we saw each other again. We were very excited. I met my 2 cousins (half-Filipino/half-British). And yes, I met also my other auntie (Cristy) who lives in Germany. I met my auntie Cristy when I had a training in Germany the year 1999 (I think). And also when she visited Philippines not so long ago. Here in U.K., they do not celebrate Christmas as we do in the Philippines. It's like a normal day. No big bangs. Then, in the morning of 25th, they do exchange gifts. I guess this is also true during New Year. It will just be an ordinary day. Back to work for me on the 28th.

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